Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

I'm so thankful we were able to come out to Texas for Thanksgiving this year. It is a full house, but we've enjoyed every minute of it. Brynn has missed a couple of naps and she has been staying up late, but we figured why not let her since she is on "vacation". We have eaten way too much so we'll have to take it easy when we get home. The Hallocks leave tomorrow and we will leave bright and early on Saturday morning. We hope to be home by 8 or 9 p.m. Hope everyone has had a great Thanksgiving! Go Cowboys and Longhorns!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Texas or Bust

We are headed to Texas early tomorrow morning! We are very excited and can't wait to spend time with the family. Brynn is sick now, so we are hoping she gets better soon, so she can enjoy being at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Dan is home today with Brynn getting the car cleaned and the oil changed. When I get home, we will finish packing everything and pretty much have it ready to leave in the morning. I really hope today goes by fast here at work! It's been awhile since I've had a whole week off!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Are we going to Texas....

That's what I've heard everyone morning for the past 2 weeks from Brynn since I told her we were driving to Texas. Finally we can tell her we have 3 more days! It's been hard getting ready to leave while being sick, but I think I'm slowly getting better. I still have a really bad cough though. At least Dan is staying home on Friday, so he will get all of the last minute things done and start packing the van.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


I've been sick for about the past week and stayed home from work on Thursday and Friday. Still not feeling too good this morning, but I have another busy weekend ahead, so hopefully I'll start feeling better. Today I have to go to work and put in about 4 hours of putting binders together. I did the same thing last Saturday when I wasn't sick and I was so tired afterwards. I'm sure after today and being sick, I'll be really tired! Then I have to run to Babies R Us to get some potty liners for Brynn's porta-potty for the trip and also need to find something for a birthday party we are going to. That birthday party is at 3 p.m., then I have to rush Dan and Brynn back home and head over to a Pampered Chef party at 5 p.m. That's it for Saturday, but then I have a jewelry party on Sunday at 3 p.m.

I really hope I start feeling better soon as I have so much to get done this week. Everyone say a prayer that I get better fast!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

To Do List for Sunday

  1. Finish all laundry
  2. Clean out Brynn's closet
  3. Clean kitchen and mop floor
  4. Vacuum
  5. Download pictures from camera
  6. List items on Etsy

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Friday, November 7, 2008

The Big Night

Only my family and Valley friends will appreciate this, but tonight is the big night where Bobcats rival the Cougars. To me, this is almost more important than the elections. I remember sitting in the stands Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior years with the band and cheering on every single game. Wish I was there to cheer on EHS, but I am there in spirit. I told Dan that he hasn't experienced a high school football game, until he has been to one the valley. :)

I'll be checking the internet tomorrow morning to see if they won. :)


UPDATE: Bobcats lost by 3 points!!! :( 20-23. Good try guys!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I Voted!!

Well, my worst expectations did not happen! We walked in to vote, no line, and we were in and out in about 5 minutes. Brynn sat in her stroller while Dan and I voted and she was very good. She even got an "I Voted" sticker! As we were walking out Dan got "interviewed" by a local public radio station about his voting experience today and what issues he was passionate about and he who voted for (Obama). :)

GO McCain/Palin!!!! (As you can see, we try not to discuss politics in our household, as it usually starts fights.:))

Monday, November 3, 2008

Sassy Bows Give-away!

Hi ya'll! I am having another give-away for the month of November at the Sassy Bows Blog. Click on the link to the right and look for the Give-away posting! It lasts for 2 weeks, so make sure to get your entry in!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!