Saturday, July 4, 2009

Long time, no write

Yes, I know it's been awhile since I've written anything, but I am going to finally try and catch up on everything! To start Brynn is now 4 and she is going to be a big sister soon! We found out in April that we were expecting another baby! This little one was planned (unlike Brynn) and we are all very excited to meet the new little one. My due date is December 4th, 2009, a day before Dan's birthday. He is kinda hoping it's born on his birthday too.

Brynn started going to a new preschool about 3 minutes away from our house and she is loving it. The kids get to go swimming 3 times a week in the summer time since the school has a pool and she is really enjoying it and getting a very nice tan! She is also learning her letters and how to write as well. She has gotten very good at writing her name and we are so proud of all that she has learned so far. It's hard to believe that in a little over a year she will be in Kinder!

I'm hoping to keep everyone updated with the pregnancy and with our little family.

Happy 4th of July!

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