Friday, December 26, 2008

My new obsession

Knitting!!! Sissy had been knitting so a couple of weeks ago I had this thought come into my head that I wanted to learn how to knit. So that night I went and got some needles, yarn, and a "Learn to Knit" book and started off. I've been getting better since then and learning more. Christmas Eve I got home and saw that this amazing hand-dyed, hand-spun yarn had come in from a great lady on Etsy...Bobbi with Kittygrrlz. She creates amazing yarn and it's so fun to knit with! Anyways, I got my Art yarn and started knitting away and I was done with a nice little scarf by that evening!! I wore it on Christmas Day. I love the colors and textures and it's very soft!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Friday, December 19, 2008

The Christmas Song

Please enjoy Brynn's rendition of "The Christmas Song"!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Reasons why I love the holidays...

3rd Christmas

2nd Christmas

1st Christmas

Family time*Days off*Sugar Cookies*the gleam in a child's eye on Christmas morning*Christ was born*lights*ornaments*my Nutcrackers*Christmas Beanie Babies from Grandma*parties*friends*Stockings*the spirit of Santa*Giving to others who aren't as fortunate as us*Tamales on Christmas Eve*Tostada (sp?) chips from Palmetto Inn (miss that)*Grandma Harpster's divinity (miss that too)*Grandma Nunn's Au Gratin Potatoes (I think I can make these now!)*Knitted items especially made by Grandma Nunn*Watching Brynn open her presents*cleaning up all of the torn wrapping paper*Mid-afternoon nap on Christmas day from waking up so early*Watching Emmitt Otter's Jug Band Christmas*Christmas music*Zoo lights

So many reasons I look forward to the holidays every year!

Sunday, December 14, 2008


When we left Pat and Jey's house last night it had started snowing/sleeting and this morning we wake up to more snow. Hoping it snows a lot so we have a snow day tomorrow for work!!

As for the weekend, Brynn had a blast yesterday at her Papa's Children's Holiday party held at Mr. Biggs! She played in the foam house, the Little BiggWorld, and she met Santa (for the 3rd time this year). Then we came home for some nap time (computer time for dad and knitting time for mom). We then went to Pat and Jey's house for a little get-together where we made our own personal pizzas and played Wii! I ended up falling asleep on the couch, yes I'm a party pooper! Dan and Pat had fun playing Guitar Hero though.

Our plans for today include staying home and out of the cold. Dan't mom got free tickets to a play in Boulder, but we will see what the weather brings.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Sad news

Most of you probably haven't heard, but there is a new ruling, bill, whatever you call those political things that is going to require handmade items, like my hair clips, to be tested for lead and whatever else is harmful. Anyways, it's going to force me to have to close down my little Sassy Bows Boutique. There is no way I'm paying for the testing and there is no way I'm going to get slapped with a huge fine. My shop is currently closed for the holidays, but when I open it back up in January, I will start to list my supplies to get rid of some of that. I will keep some of it so I can take it out if I need to make something for Brynn, but most of it will be sold. I was hoping to make it a year at least, and even more, but something beyond my control is forcing me to close it down.

So a word to the wise, if you love to buy stuff for your kids on etsy (i.e. bows, toys, etc.), buy it now, because it may not be there come February and March!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Dan's Birthday

We celebrated Dan's birthday at Claim Jumper on Wednesday, December 3th, and had a great time! Thanks to all who were able to attend!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Austin's in the News!

Check out my BIL's post about my nephew! He works for a company called Intense Debate. Just follow the post on the blog and listen for the name "Austin" in the newscast! I am a very proud aunt!