So I've been tagged by Suyzel to admit to 10 of my honest truths...I've decided to play! Here are the rules in case I tag you! A) first list 10 honest things about yourself - and make it interesting, even if you have to dig deep!B) pass the award on to bloggers that you feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap.
1. I started my Masters degree and am one class away from finishing it, but I have to do a stupid thesis and that's the reason I'm probably never going to finish!
2. I have an obsession with Etsy. I need a 12-step program.
3. I like to get buzzed every once in awhile, but I don't like to get drunk.
4. I hate the snow.
5. I wish I lived closer to my parents. Deep down, I want to go back to Texas...I'm definitely not a Colorado girl. :)
6. I am deathly afraid of having blood drawn and having an IV, but I'm okay with shots oddly enough.
7. I sometimes like to make Dan mad, just for the fun of it. (He already knows that.) :) Love you hun!
8. I want another baby.
9. I love anything sweet!! Preferably vanilla cupcakes from Target.
10. I am definitely a morning person, rather than a night owl.
Now, I've selected the following to tell their honest scrap! So do it!
Sissy (Teri)
Bubba (Kevin)
For Goodness Sakes, Look At Those Cakes
5 years ago
You can have the baby for Normando I. I don't think I'll ever be ready for kids! I like to piss Normando off just for the fun of it too, I get bored. I have to make it interesting! ya know!
i see how it is... i tagged you first!!! lol! always fun to read what everyone thinks though!
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